Payment Template

Your Submission to The Flash Fiction Press

Dear [AuthorFirstName] [AuthorLastName],

Thank you for sending us “[SubmissionTitle]”. This will be live on The Flash Fiction Press on the [Date]. We post at 5am Mountain Time (Arizona), Email notifications go out at 6:00am. If you haven’t already signed up for our email notifications, you can go here.

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Les Weil Editor


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This AGREEMENT is made between AUTHOR and The Flash Fiction Press (hereinafter referred to as the PUBLISHER) with respect to the work entitled WORK (hereinafter referred to as the WORK) for publication at

*Real name if different than above:
*Story Title:

1. AUTHOR’s Grant to the PUBLISHER
* Exclusive First World Rights for previously unpublished work (or) Reprint Rights for previously published work. Also the right to reprint in Flash Fiction Monthly magazine. All rights not expressly granted in this agreement reside exclusively with the AUTHOR.
2. Length of Agreement
The Flash Fiction Press may continue to archive the WORK unless AUTHOR requests removal from the archive.
3. Payment
*Payment is $3 per flash fiction story, paid via Paypal upon publication.
* Paypal email address:
* If you would like to forgo payment and donate your payment back to The Flash Fiction Press, please leave the email address blank. And thank you.

Receipt of the above via email with be considered acceptance to the agreement.

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